The 26-year-old player had a rollercoaster century filled with emotions. After being sidelined from the spot in December 2022 due to a tragic car accident, he made his comeback in the Test match for India. However, the conversation shifted on social media and among experts when he equaled the record set by the legendary MS Dhoni for the most Test centuries by an Indian wicketkeeper, achieving six centuries. It is noteworthy that he accomplished this feat in nearly half the number of innings played by Dhoni in his Test career.
Former India cricketers like Aakash Chopra and Sanjay Manjrekar reckoned that Pant has now become the greatest for India in the format, eclipsing former captain Dhoni. But veteran wicketkeeper-batter Dinesh Karthik, speaking to Cricbuzz, called the comparison "unacceptable." He rather urged fans and experts to give more time to Pant, who has played only 34 Test matches in his career, before jumping to "India's greatest ever wicketkeeper" conclusion.
"It's very unacceptable to say that he's played 34 Tests and he's already India's greatest wicketkeeper batter. Let's take time, let's not jump to conclusions but definitely he's on course for sure and he will finish as India's greatest ever wicketkeeper," he said.
"Don't discount Dhoni's credentials as a wicketkeeper as well. He not only kept brilliantly, batted and scored runs when it mattered very very well for India but also he led India to a World Test Championship mace which is becoming number 1. So you got to give all that weightage as well when you speak about a player all round," he added.
What did Pant say on Dhoni comparisons?It is not the first time the 26-year-old has been compared to the veteran India star. Given their similar batting approach and role in the Indian team, Pant has lived with the expectation of cricket fraternity wanting him to match Dhoni at every level. However, speaking to the broadcasters on Sunday, Pant stressed he wanted to be himself.
"This is CSK's home ground. Mahi bhai has played a lot of cricket here. But, for me, like I have said before, I want to be myself. I don't focus on what's being said or what's happening around me. I keep things simple and focus on giving my best. The atmosphere here was amazing, and I really enjoyed it," Pant told JioCinema.
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