Team India's dynamic opener, Shikhar Dhawan, announced his retirement from international cricket on Saturday. In a heartfelt video shared on social media, Dhawan bid farewell to his illustrious career with the national team that began back in 2010. Despite a slow start in the initial years, Dhawan rose to prominence with a memorable Test debut against Australia in 2013, where he showcased his outstanding talent and skill.
Filling in the shoes of legendary former India star Virender Sehwag, Dhawan wasn't bogged down by the occasion and produced an exhibition in aggressive hitting, smashing 185 against Australia on his Test debut; he raced to his century in just 85 balls with a flurry of boundaries. With an impressive start, Dhawan cemented his place on the Test side, and even though his career in the longest format was short-lived, he found his footing in the white-ball sides.
The opener forged a formidable opening partnership with Rohit Sharma in coloured clothing and further formed a brilliant batting trio with Virat Kohli at no.3. The three batters dominated the Indian white-ball batting for a large part of the 2010s.
Sehwag, who could never make a return to the Indian team following his ouster in 2012, has now reacted to Dhawan's retirement with a heartfelt message. The former India opener acknowledged that Dhawan had capitalised on his performances ever since the opener replaced him on the Indian Test team.
Sehwag's post for Dhawan“Badhaai ho Shikkhi (Congratulations, Shikhar). Ever since the time you replaced me in Mohali, you didn’t look back and some top performances over the years. May you continue to have fun and live life to the fullest. Very best wishes always,” Sehwag wrote.
In his retirement announcement, Dhawan acknowledged the need to “turn the page” and move on from his cricketing career.
“It’s important to turn the page to move forward in life and that's why I am announcing my retirement from international and domestic cricket. As I bid goodbye to my cricket journey, I have peace in my heart that I played for so long.”
“I am very thankful to DDCA, the BCCI, and my fans. And that's why I tell myself, don't be sad that you won't play for India again but be happy that you played for your country. And that's the biggest thing for me, that I played.”
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